Box of 1000 Rotation Chipboard Screws
Quattro+ Countersunk Single Thread Woodscrew
A single-thread lubricated woodscrew allows a lower screw in torque with a faster drive in speed.
A serrated cutting edge and razor-sharp threading to the tip allows a clean cut through wood and eliminate the need for a pilot hole.
3.5 x 16
4.0 x 16
5.0 x 50
3.5 x 20
4.0 x 20
5.0 x 60
3.5 x 25
4.0 x 25
5.0 x 80
3.5 x 30
4.0 x 30
5.0 x 100
3.5 x 35
4.0 x 35
5.0 x 120
3.5 x 40
4.0 x 40
3.5 x 45
4.0 x 45
3.5 x 50
4.0 x 50
4.0 x 60
4.0 x 70